Through a dark glass - musings on the Catholic Church from an outsider on the inside

I hope more eyes than my own will visit this site and find it of interest. Perhaps my perspective as a non-Catholic working for Liguori Publications will intrique. From time to time, my thoughts may scandalize but I hope they never bore.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Tilting at Windmills


Today's post is really more for me than for my readers. I've felt myself slipping out of the hard won habit of writing and I'm stealing a few minutes from my job at Liguori Publications to write something, anything.

I'm still surviving, but I'm far from having turned the corner. I understand that I have a great life. The problems that plague me are the kind you can only encounter when a lot of other things have gone well. None-the-less, I feel like the door of my anxiety closet has blown right off its hinges.

  • I've been staying at the new house, but my PC (TV and telephone) are at the old one.
  • There have been indications that the contract for the sale of my 'old' house may fall through.
  • I've been to the gym exactly once in 2006.
  • I've been on my bike exactly nonce (?) in 2006.
  • Surprise! I've gained a few pounds.
  • Not 1, but 2 weedeaters have given their lives attempting to tame the jungle of my new backyard! (I'll BLOG about this more later)
  • My crusty trusty friend Dave is staying for a little while at the new house.
  • I still LOVE the new house and don't regret buying it.
  • I have my budget for fiscal 2007 submitted on time and haven't gotten any cuts yet!
  • The chili plants I ordered from Cross Country Nurseries arrived yesterday! Fresh Salsa this summer!!! Hot chili this Winter.
  • I've decided to put a pavered Labyrinth in the back yard.

Did you notice that I sort of transitioned from negatives to positives? Did you notice that I didn't draw a line between which were which? I wonder where that puts Dave????hmmmmm.

I really need to get some exercise. It's my best method for burning off enough frustration to get that anxiety closet closed again.

If I were someone of strong faith - I would probably make an observation about needing to leave the details up to God. My faith isn't that strong, but I have spent a lot of time thinking of St Francis of Assisi. He's credited with having said "Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." That "wisdom to know the difference" part really resonates. I'll leave you with a suggestion for Affirmations from the Heart of God: New & Expanded Edition by Bridget Mary Meehan and Regina Madonna Oliver.


P. Del Ricci - Dark Glass


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have my understanding. Relating to a new home can take some adjustment and so often old patterns fall by the wayside. I imagine however the exercise involved in packing your old home would be equal to many sessions at your gym. I'm sure that your new home will be an exciting beginning, best wishes, The Artist

5/13/2006 1:11 AM  
Blogger Kiwi Nomad said...

Haven't read you much lately Philip while I have been travelling, so never knew you were finding things a bit tough. Hope it feels a bit sorted soon. If the dave is the blogger Dave I know, peace to both of you.

5/13/2006 4:29 AM  
Blogger Chandira said...

That depression thing, it's ok.

Lots of traditions talk about it in positive terms, all except us in the 'west' where we worry about being worried.

In my tradition, it's a sign of purification, of these things coming to the surface from the subconscious, and when you feel them, you can inspect, understand, and let go. Sort of like the sunlight over the well. When it shines, all the crawly things in the well wake up and want to escape. It's just a pattern arising in the mind, which is different from the heart, for now. Eventually, the 2 collide, and you can live your life in God's Bliss..

Excercise helps. (confirmed couch potato dispensing the advice here.. ;-)

6/05/2006 10:18 PM  
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3/05/2007 12:09 AM  

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