Through a dark glass - musings on the Catholic Church from an outsider on the inside

I hope more eyes than my own will visit this site and find it of interest. Perhaps my perspective as a non-Catholic working for Liguori Publications will intrique. From time to time, my thoughts may scandalize but I hope they never bore.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Peer Pressure


Last night I received some feedback from Dave of What Will I Know Tomorrow? (not to be confused with Dave of Saintly Sinner). Dave had a really valid point and I'm going to try and be better about having fresh content up if I'm going to constantly be ib the BLOGExplosion Battle of the BLOGs. Ironically, his latest post is a cartoon that deals with Peer Pressure. Coincidence? I think not! My newspaper is late again this morning so I should be able to get some BLOG work done.

Here's Dave's comment:

Hey there,

I like your blog much more than most of it's theme, but I just wanted to say that if you're going to put yourself up on BOB multiple times a day than maybe ONE new post a day would be good.... Just sayin'

Here's my response at his site:

Gee Dave - I think I am succumbing to your peer pressure and getting ready to add a new post to my BLOG!

Seriously though, what can I say? You're right. If I'm going to be in the BOB 24/7, I should have some fresh material now and then. The last few days, I just haven't had the spare minutes to put something up. I EVEN have a piece written out on paper, but haven't gotten it keyed in.

Well, thank you for the feedback and the kind words. I'll try to rotate the produce a little more often.

In the spirit of constructive criticism, I am featuring My Hope for the Church: Critical Encouragement for the Twenty-First Century by Bernard Häring, C.Ss.R. (one of our world-class authors).

So you see, I listen to my readers! In fact, we might end up with more than one post today. I had actually written out a schedule of topics for each day of the week. The Terri Schiavo piece put me in a mind to do some more serious writing than usual. Immigration, pro-birth vs pro-life and child sexual abuse are in the line up (it's the immigration piece I've all ready written). Serious, socially relevant topics. Topics that I can easily pull material for from Liguori Publications titles. Those titles of course support official Catholic teaching, but with my humble opinions thrown in the mix the posts just might be interesting (or not)! For those of you who prefer the lighter side, I will be returning to talking about my trip to the Olympics and the progress on my new house (oh, the joys of 2 mortgage payments!).

Before I can get to any of that though; I need to welcome this week's Billboard renter, Shelly of the Dramedy of Life. Shelly will be getting her own exclusive welcome post in just a little bit [see how well I treat my tenants?]. In the mean time.......


P. Del Ricci - Dark Glass


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