Through a dark glass - musings on the Catholic Church from an outsider on the inside

I hope more eyes than my own will visit this site and find it of interest. Perhaps my perspective as a non-Catholic working for Liguori Publications will intrique. From time to time, my thoughts may scandalize but I hope they never bore.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Late Newspaper


My newspaper (The ST. Louis Post Dispatch) has been late for the last 2 days. My paper is a fundamental part of my day and I am developing IPS (Irritiable Paper Syndrome) an as yet medically unrecognized but serious condition which afflicts tens of people each day throughout the world. When I call, a voice automated response system patiently explains that "technically your route doesn't finish until 7 AM. If you still don't have your paper at that time, please call back." Then it hangs up on me. Grrrrrrrrrr.

Add to that that I have been in a passive aggressive stand off with my Mother for the last few weeks (it's complicated but stems from the funeral) and I'm a tad bit cranky.

Maybe it's a plot from Liguori Publications? Without my paper, I've been working for the last hour. Hmmmmmm, maybe I'll go steal my boss's.


P. Del Ricci - Dark Glass


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