Dark Glass Billboard is Popular this Week
The BLOGExplosion billboard space on Dark Glass has proven surprisingly popular this week. At 30 credits it does consistently gets more clicks than those of BLOGs that cost several hundred credits (cue the infomercial music) perhaps people are sensing a good deal? Then again, maybe they've just had too much egg-nog.
Within an hour of posting this week's billboard, we had 6 bidders.
Scooter McGavin's 9th Green - Scooter has bid on Dark Glass before. I like this BLOG and have described it before as a 'true to its roots blog' that comments on whatever crosses the mind of the author which is frequently news, music, movies or politics. Tempting, tempting.
Life as Lou - This is a new BLOG to me. I've seen it on BLOGExplosion before but haven't honestly lingered to check it out. That was mistake on my part it is much more than another 'Mommy BLOG'. I particularily enjoy the tales of the husband that talks in his sleep and various other mishaps.
Served - I don't know if it has come up before but P. del Ricci likes to drink. I'm not satisified with cracking open a beer and swilling down. I prefer creating intricate fusions and fancy myself a pretty good 'mixologist'. Friends frequently ask me to act as bartender at parties and events. This rattling on about myself brings me to Mitch, a 21 year old bartender at an Applebees when not attending classes at Murray State University.
SirDirge - Hmmm, a little tough to describe. Commentary on technology issues with a little more. I like the author. We share a lot of the same tastes in music and literature. The author lives in Helsinki, Finland.
Fairytale Dreams - A genuine Fairy Princess, Luin has staked out an interesting corner of the web. Her homestead only changes on the weekends, because that is the only time she has internet access (it's a matter of principal). I have rented space from her in the past and she was a lovely hostess. You have to be careful about taking tea in an Elven hill though, you may end up staying longer than you mean too.
Eccentric Man - [caution some content is a little racy] The title alone is enough to make me love the site (the fact that the author has Dark Glass on his BLOGRoll is that much better). Mr. Eccentric is maintains a pretty 'general interest' sort of BLOG. Jokes, observations of current events and pop culture. He's an American of Scottish descent who absolutely will not wear a turtle neck or sweater. Kindly do not ask.
Wow - 6 bidders! All interesting choices. Romper, stomper, bomper boo - who shall I rent my BLOG too? Perhaps it is effect of those Keebler cookies or the enchanting music - but I feel compelled to pick Fairytale Dreams. Welcome Luin, I hope you will enjoy my hospitality for the coming week.
Please make a point to check out Luin's site but also the sites of the runners-up. I like that people are getting good click-through's from Dark Glass and want to make certain that everyone gets value for their time. Even better, leave a comment!
I need to sign off and get my day started. I haven't been to the gym in 'awhile'. Between Christmas getting ready to pounce (I haven't started shopping) and the new house, I have lots of nervous energy that need to be burned off (to say nothing of those holiday calories). There have been some interesting developments at Liguori Publications in the last few weeks. Hopefully I'll be able to write about them in the next few days.
P. Del Ricci - Dark Glass
Thank you so much for your wonderful welcome! What you said was so absoluetly sweet!
Congratulations on having six bidders! They are all such wonderful websites; I'm honored that you chose mine.
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