Through a dark glass - musings on the Catholic Church from an outsider on the inside

I hope more eyes than my own will visit this site and find it of interest. Perhaps my perspective as a non-Catholic working for Liguori Publications will intrique. From time to time, my thoughts may scandalize but I hope they never bore.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Mystical Alchemist?


I'm really happy to finally be writing this post. Every now and then I have looked up from writing about BLOGExplosion billboards long enough to allude to the actual role I hope that BLOGs begin to play for Liguori Publications. That master plan goes well beyond pimping books and seeding links for search engine optimization (though those things are very important to me too). The master plan works toward a day when Liguori creates and supports a network of web resources that will form a Faith Based Community, primarily Catholic in nature but welcoming and supportive of all. The work of Dave the Simple Brother at Saintly Sinner was our first step in this direction. A proof of concept if you will. It also acted as bait. Bait to draw Brother Secundo Pia Columbanus D'Silva out of hiding from the Holy Hill retreat center in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin.

I had the great pleasure of working with Brother Secundo for a few years when he was assigned to Liguori Publications. He is the author of several of our titles (which I won't reveal now since Secundo is an alias) and a Brother of the Redemptorist order.

I have tried not to dwell on it and have perhaps even shied away from the fact that not only am I not Catholic, but I take serious exception to the Church's stance on a number of topics. In fact there have been times over the past 7 and half years that I have considered finding other work rather than further the goals of an institution I do not fully support. Fortunately for me, getting to know some of the people from Liguori (especially Dave and Secundo) has revealed the richness, the warmth and love of the Catholic community.

Secundo (who has begun to bear an uncanny resemblence to Saint Padre Pio) in particular has always been able to show me all that is good about the Catholic Church. When we worked together, we talked for hours about Saints and miracles; the history of the Redemptorist order and the Catholic Church in general. To me he is the living memory of the Redemptorists. Especially intriguing to me are his descriptions of Catholic mysticism and Saints who were known as Mystics (such as Gerard Majella a Redemptorist Saint). "Mysticism" may conjure up thoughts of the occult and magical practices but really refers to things and practices which are able to move a person into a deeply spiritual state or plane.

After much cajoling on my part, Br. Secundo has agreed to write his own BLOG. Expanding on the discussions that I treasured so much when we worked together, he is placing an emphasis on the mystic nature of faith in a fashion he once described as "alchemy". Thus I am now able to invite you to visit Mystic Alchemy. Despite all of the variety BLOGs that exist, I truly believe that this one will prove to unique.

For once, I look back across a rambling post and don't regret being verbose one bit. I only wish that I could better describe what Secundo has in store for us and how thrilled I am to welcome him to the BLOGosphere. I'm going to sign off by featuring two titles that are based on the work of Padre Pio. Advent and Christmas Wisdom from Padre Pio: Daily Scripture and Prayers Together With Saint Pio of Pietrelcina's Own Words and Padre Pio: In My Own Words both of which are compiled by Anthony Chiffolo.


P. Del Ricci - Dark Glass


Blogger ukok said...

I'm relieved that you wrote of the richness of the Catholic Church, I have experienced this myself, though unlike you, I converted after researching Catholicism for over two years before I so much as stepped foot inside a Catholic church for the very first time!

God Bless.

12/04/2005 11:37 AM  
Blogger Philip Del Ricci said...


Thank you for leaving this comment. I would love to hear more about your experience.

P. Del Ricci - Dark Glass

12/07/2005 11:58 AM  
Blogger Secundo Pia Columbanus D'Silva said...

Thanks for the introduction. I am looking forward to working with Mystical Alchemy and I'm hoping to engage other interested people.

With Peace and energy,

Brother Secundo Pia Columbanus D'Silva - Mystic Alchemy

12/15/2005 4:04 PM  

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