Through a dark glass - musings on the Catholic Church from an outsider on the inside

I hope more eyes than my own will visit this site and find it of interest. Perhaps my perspective as a non-Catholic working for Liguori Publications will intrique. From time to time, my thoughts may scandalize but I hope they never bore.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Welcome Renter!


I hope that everyone had a great holiday and were able to spend time with the people that matter in their lives. Like most of the world (or the US anyway), I haven't posted in the last few days. I would really rather put off posting today but I have some BLOG 'business' that has built up and want to address today. It's important to write about this today, because I have some really great stuff planned for the next few days. I'm hoping that this week my plan for Liguori Publications' use of BLOGs will really begin to take shape. As soon as this post is done though, I'm out the door to going shopping for a cycling trainer. I picked up WAY too much weight in the past week.

First, I must sadly bid farewell to BLOGExplosion billboard renter The Anti - Sean Hannity Blog. I feel a little bad that for 30 BE Credits, he only received 12 unique clicks (22 total). This isstill better than a lot of sites I've seen (some of which charge more than 100 credits) but I just feel you should get at least 1 unique click for every credit spent. The holiday had an impact I'm sure - but I did lower this week's rental to 25 credits.

Now that we've said good bye, it is time to say hello. This week's candidates are:

  • Scooter McGavin's 9th Green - This is what I would describe as a true to it's roots BLOG, no particular agenda - just whatever the author cares to discuss. The self description is interesting "Your one-stop place for music, TV, sports, politics and anything else I deem worthy. So make sure you come back everyday or you'll pay, listen to what I say."
  • Don's Thoughts II - We've actually discussed Don before. Not only have I rented from him, but HE HAS LEFT COMMENTS HERE AT DARK GLASS!

It was a tough call this week, but I picked Don's Thoughts II. The prior relationship with Don and the fact THAT HE LEFT COMMENTS counted for a huge number of points. Hopefully Scooter will still be interested in bidding next week.

Well I need to go buy that trainer, but is that leftover turkey I hear calling my name from the kitchen?

P. Del Ricci - Dark Glass


Blogger Don said...

Thanks for the plug! I'm sure you'll see more of my comments as I continue to read your site!! Looking forward to watching what you have to say!


11/27/2005 2:46 PM  

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