Through a dark glass - musings on the Catholic Church from an outsider on the inside

I hope more eyes than my own will visit this site and find it of interest. Perhaps my perspective as a non-Catholic working for Liguori Publications will intrique. From time to time, my thoughts may scandalize but I hope they never bore.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Why does Liguori Publications have BLOGs?


Today I am going to return to discussing the purpose of this BLOG and what I hope to achieve with it. Like the rest of the world, I am still riveted by the catastrophe in New Orleans; but I think that there are other BLOGgers focusing on this crisis who serve the issue better than I. If you haven't all ready, I do encourage you to make a donation to the charity of your choice. An authoritative listing of legitimate agencies is the Network for Good.

As you probably know, I work for Liguori Publications. We are arguably the largest Catholic publisher in the world. The distinction rests on whether you count individual bulletin sheets (us) or if you count offering envelopes (Our Sunday Visitor). My primary responsibilities revolve around our "electronic presence" and digital publishing efforts. This includes our two e-commerce websites Liguori Publications and Theological Book Services; as well as our "mission" sites Liguorian Magazine and Liguori Mission.

Lately, I've been spending a lot of time trying different ways of driving more web traffic to our various sites. A common but effective approach is to create a large number of links that refer to your sites from independent domains. Large numbers of referring links are viewed by search engines as making your site more "authoritative". BLOGs are an extremely cheap (free is pretty cheap) and easy way to create referring links. This is why you see so many horrible BLOGs out there that are essentially just lists of links. Search Engines have gotten wise to this form of "link farming" and I'm not certain why it is still so prevalent. It's also my understanding that search engines do not place any weight on links inside of comments which makes "comment spam" even more useless than it all ready is.

My own approach is to create a family of BLOGs that revolve around Liguori Publications but also offer some valid content and hopefully may be of value to someone. In addition to my own BLOG we have Saintly Sinner and Liguori Press Releases. I am actively recruiting people within the organization, priests from the Redemptorist Order and several of our authors to experiment with their own BLOGs.

If my fiendish plot proceeds as planned I will soon have an army of BLOGs stationed at key strategic points throughout the world ready to act on my command and ....... oops, that's one of my other projects. Nevermind that. Anyway, if things proceed as planned - I'll be able to generate a large number of links directed toward our site that are wrappered in valid content that may actually be of use to the world.

An added plum would be if people leave comments [hint, hint] on our BLOGs that provide us clues to the types of content the modern Church is seeking. For reasons I have discussed in other postings, there is a growing disconnect between traditional content purchasers and the ultimate consumers of our materials. We are making a serious effort to understand this change and provide material that is relevant to today's Catholic, wether they are sitting in a pew or on a sofa.

Well, that should be more than enough for now. Not to frighten you, but I actually had intended to discuss Google Ads today as well. I think you'll agree, that's better left for tomorrow. Thank you as always for visiting this BLOG. Please feel free to leave a comment if you have any feedback or suggestions for making this BLOG more valuable. If you're not too weary from reading this post, please check out Dramedy of Life which is written by Shelly. Not only is it a worthwhile BLOG but Shelly is a fellow aspiring author, bibliophile AND someone who has left comments on this BLOG.


P. Del Ricci

PS - 'Save as Draft' has not been my friend today. My apologies if anything is screwier than usual.


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