Through a dark glass - musings on the Catholic Church from an outsider on the inside

I hope more eyes than my own will visit this site and find it of interest. Perhaps my perspective as a non-Catholic working for Liguori Publications will intrique. From time to time, my thoughts may scandalize but I hope they never bore.

Friday, November 18, 2005

She Blinded me with Science


I just won the bid on a BLOGExplosion billboard (yes, another one - the others are expiring off). This one has the potential to start some interesting conversational threads, which is something that I had really hoped that there would be more of (*clears throat* *LEAVE a COMMENT*). Anyway, my most recent billboard rental is Modern Science, written and moderated by ZandPerl a professor in New England who is a self described atheist. If you have paid close attention while reading Dark Glass, you might remember a constructive comment she left in the past.

ZandPerl was kind enough to leave a nicely worded introduction to Dark Glass....

This week's blog is Through a Dark Glass by Philip Del
. Mr. Del Ricci writes about religious topics, mostly inspired
by and about various documents for Catholics and people interested in
Catholocism, I suspect because he works for a company that publishes them. His
posts are about the role of Christianity in the life of someone who is already
religious and are not at all antagonistic to atheists such as myself - not that
that would stop me from linking to someone. :) So surf on over to Dark Glass
(preferably through the link/screenshot on the left) and say "hi"! Be a nice
visitor and always follow the Boy Scout rule: leave the place cleaner than when
you got there. (I.e., no flame wars unless he asks politely.)

I don't believe that I have brought it up before but I do hold degrees in Engineering and Economics (with a minor in Math). I'm comfortable in the realms of science and believe that religion is not incompatible with the educated and modern man. Having said that - I don't automatically believe something as a matter of faith either.

Please take a moment to read Modern Science - it's a nicely written BLOG which is not so densely academic as to prevent a casual reading but still manages to stimulate the mind. Please let ZandPerl know that you dropped by and that you came from Dark Glass [if you are reading this because you dropped in from Modern Science, please say hello]. Regardless of your opinions, please be civil.

I would have loved to have wrapped this up with a reference to a Liguori Publications title, but I can't think of a good fit. I'll update this post if I think of something later. (I just finished checking, nothing really appropriate right now. We will have a title in the Spring discussing the Church and evolution. I don't mean to spoil it for anyone, but the Catholic Church sees no conflict with evolution.)


P. Del Ricci - Dark Glass

The title of this post is of course a reference to the 1983 Thomas Dolby classic "She Blinded Me With Science".


Blogger zandperl said...

Hee! Thanks for the reciprocal plug. This could be interesting. Maybe we should write really inflammatory posts now. :-P

I actually started the blog in a desire to stimulate conversation on touchy topics, but so far I've mostly been "preaching to the choir." I try to keep the science material at an interested layman's level - people in the sciences often call others laymen just as clergy might call non-clergy. Science definitely has a number of similarities with religions.

If you and/or your readers want more blogs to browse, scroll down my page keeping your eye on the left hand side. Look for "Science Sites" and "The Other Side (Spritual Sites)" - italicized links there are blogs, while normal font are more mainstream sources. Hm, I should add things like the Vatican.

11/18/2005 8:47 PM  

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