Through a dark glass - musings on the Catholic Church from an outsider on the inside

I hope more eyes than my own will visit this site and find it of interest. Perhaps my perspective as a non-Catholic working for Liguori Publications will intrique. From time to time, my thoughts may scandalize but I hope they never bore.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Where does the time go?

10-14-05 / The last free cookbook is spoken for. Keep checking back. I'll do something like this again.

When I first started this BLOG I was so good at posting new content. Lately.... not so much. I'm getting ready to mail out the first 7 free cookbooks. I have an entire case of these to give away, so please don't be shy if you're interested. My office is messy enough with these books sitting around.

Lately, I've spent a lot of time thinking about what's important to me and trying to focus my energies on my goals. My work at Liguori Publications, my writing projects, learning a foreign language, bettering myself physically at the gym and through cycling. Moving forward on these things leaves precious little time for watching Law and Order or my new addiction Rome much less using my gift certificates for a glass blowing class at 3rd Degree or a cooking class at the Kitchen Conservatory (both are about a year old now and becoming a source of stress).

I feel like I've made so many improvements in how I use my time and what I accomplish. I am generally a happy person and am extremely grateful that my life is as rich and fulfilling as it is, BUT I still drive myself nuts trying to do more. While I was off Friday, I was cleaning my house for some houseguests coming in from Guam and never seemed to be able to focus on the clutter because I was so busy cleaning the window sills with a vacuum and toothbrush. I have to admit that I revel in those moments of "hyperfocus" but I recognize that they can be counter productive to a happy life. I've discussed certain compulsive behaviours before so I'll try not to dwell on it too much now.

In the spirit of focusing on the positive, today I am featuring Life Doesn't Get Any Better Than This: The Holiness of Little Daily Dramas by Robert A. Alper. Basically, 40 "poignant" narratives with a sort of "stop and smell the roses" theme. It's a nice way to remember just how blessed each of us truly is.

Posting will continue to be erratic for the next few days while I get some other things knocked off my list. If you find yourself jonesing for my words of wisdom, soothe your pain by getting a free cookbook. Just drop me an email at PDELRICCI at GMAIL.COM with your snail mail address and I'll tie one on the back of the nearest snail and point him your direction. Please be certain to mention if you live in a salt mine.

P. Del Ricci - Dark Glass


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