Through a dark glass - musings on the Catholic Church from an outsider on the inside

I hope more eyes than my own will visit this site and find it of interest. Perhaps my perspective as a non-Catholic working for Liguori Publications will intrique. From time to time, my thoughts may scandalize but I hope they never bore.

Monday, October 17, 2005



Yesterday was an eventful day. I went riding on my bike for the first time since the MS150. The weather was ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS and even though my riding had dropped off in the last month, I was doing pretty good. Everything seemed pretty well picture perfect, when it hit - the truck that is. Yes a truck backed out of a driveway and hit me.

I'm being a LITTLE dramatic about this, but I think I earned the right. Afterall, I was hit by a truck. The whole thing happened in such a slow motion fashion that I was reminded of the scene in one of the Austin Power's movies where he runs over the guy with a steam roller. I was in a group of 4 riders and we moving along about 20 miles per hour. Up ahead we clearly saw a truck start to back out of drive. The truck hesitated like it saw us, so we kept moving forward. Then the truck started up again so I started to slow, then the truck stopped and I kept on. When I was immediately behind the truck it started back one more time. I bounced off a sign and was pitched down an embankment into a creekbed. I felt like I was falling for 5 minutes or more. My left foot was still clipped into my pedal, so I drug the bike along with me.

Thankfully; when I finished sliding, I was able to get right up and climb up to the road. A little blood, a few scrapes and some bruises - but other than that no problem. My bike was fine and I didn't tear my cycling gear (that stuff is expensive). I felt very sorry for the guys that hit me. They were two migrant workers that I'm guessing were afraid they would be deported on the spot.

Long story - short, I was extremely lucky. It feels good to be at Liguori Publications today with a wild story to tell and enough of a limp to be asked "what happened to you?".

P. Del Ricci - Dark Glass


Blogger Dak-Ind said...

I am pleased to hear that you are well! you are very lucky it could have been so much worse!!

10/17/2005 5:02 PM  
Blogger Shelly said...

I'm glad to hear you aren't too worse for the wear! Wow, that could have been a bad situation. It was a sign you have to sign up for the November writing project. :o)

10/17/2005 8:03 PM  
Blogger Philip Del Ricci said...

Maybe it was a warning that I shouldn't participate in NaNoWriMo. Why, if I sign up the mighty Mississippi might leap its banks.

P. Del Ricci - Dark Glass

10/18/2005 3:32 PM  
Blogger Faira said...

Wow, "God" was certainly looking out for you that day!

But leave it to a man, to be thinking of the good story he can tell and the attention he will get for nearly getting himself killed, ha, ha! My brothers are the same way, they used to scare the day lights out of me and (still do sometimes) and then tell me,
"But, what a great story I'll be able to tell, Sis!" You are all hopeless, ha, ha!

I am glad you are all right!(:

10/19/2005 8:31 AM  
Blogger Philip Del Ricci said...

What can I say? Bruises make it easier to claim bragging rights.


P. Del Ricci - Dark Glass

10/19/2005 2:08 PM  

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