Through a dark glass - musings on the Catholic Church from an outsider on the inside

I hope more eyes than my own will visit this site and find it of interest. Perhaps my perspective as a non-Catholic working for Liguori Publications will intrique. From time to time, my thoughts may scandalize but I hope they never bore.

Monday, August 22, 2005

A brief post?


I'm going to try to be quick with this post, but we've seen how well that's worked in the past. I came into work early today to prepare for a meeting. The meeting was canceled, which opened up my entire afternoon. Somehow, I still feel behind.

I had intended to talk about my recent experience with Google adsense words today, but I think that may take too long to do properly. Quick and cheap, but no sales dollars yet. I have only placed a single ad so far so it isn't busting the budget. There seems to be a LOT of research that I need to do into appropriate keywords, etc. I'm certain that I'll return to this topic frequently.

Speaking of topics that I will mention frequently, please visit my MS150 pledge site. Every tax-deductible dollar that you donate goes directly to helping fund medical research and to provide valuable support services to aid those suffering from Multiple Sclerosis. My riding 150 (I'm actually going to try for 200) miles on a bicycle is the easy part. Finding generous donors like yourself (you are susceptible to flattery aren't you) is much tougher.

Today, I'd like to direct your attention to Europe's Monastery and Convent Guesthouses A Pilgrim's Travel GuideRevised and Updated by Kevin J. Wright. We have several books written by Kevin and also several other travel books. Once again, I'm featuring titles that I actually enjoy reading. I'll be visiting Turin, Italy (home of the Shroud of Turin) this February for the Winter Olympics and have gotten some useful information from these books. Don't worry if you want to know more about my trip. I'm sure that between now and then, I will speak about it ad infinitum (you might think ad nueseum).

Don't worry that I might run out of titles to feature. Liguori Publications has over 2,000 titles in it's backlist and of course we are publishing more every day. If I do manage to run out of those, I can start on the Liguorian Magazine or Theological Book Service so have no fear faithful readers (I have an image of people lying awake in their beds, contemplating the horror of thousands of my posts), I'll have plenty of titles to feature.

Hmmm, this might be a little shorter than my standard post but not as brief as I had intended. Please feel free to leave a comment. Spam and hatemail welcome.


P. Del Ricci


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