Through a dark glass - musings on the Catholic Church from an outsider on the inside

I hope more eyes than my own will visit this site and find it of interest. Perhaps my perspective as a non-Catholic working for Liguori Publications will intrique. From time to time, my thoughts may scandalize but I hope they never bore.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Expanding Role of the Laity in the Church


Here we are at my third post and it is hard to say if anyone else has read this BLOG. If you do happen to be here, please take a moment to leave a comment. Even if you hate these posts, I would like to know if someone is there.

Within the Catholic Publishing Industry (I work at Liguori Publications) there is a lot of effort being expended to understand the increasing role of the Laity within the Church. Even the secular newspapers are beginning to cover the phenomenon (article 1, article 2). Traditionally, my company relied on selling into the hierarchy of the Church and this shift has left us needing to realign our editorial development and content distribution to a differently educated and decentralized purchasing base. On the positive side, our eyes and ears are now fully open as we grow more in tune to the needs of the modern Church. In the interest of keeping this BLOG manageablely brief, I'm going to leave this topic right now but expect me to return to this frequently.

So let's talk about the things that I will be discussing on this BLOG and a few other notes that may be interesting. Let's also make very clear that THIS BLOG IS NOT ENDORSED BY LIGUORI PUBLICATIONS. The content and opinions expressed are entirely my own including and factual or theological inaccuracies.

Since this is my personal BLOG where I just happen to be covering topics that relate to my work, I will be giving the content my own personal spin. You may be interested (though you probably won't be) to know that I am not Catholic. I am however fascinated by the history, the art, the architecture and the hierarchy of the Church. So I may discuss topics with ancient roots, like the Eastern Catholic Rite (similar to the Eastern Orthodox but not the same) or modern issues like the large numbers of parish closings that both the Church and cities are struggling with. Things like the board of St Stanislaus being threatened with excommunication as they battle with Bishop Burke will make it onto my radar, whereas the newest fashions in vestments probably won't (I guess it depends on what they look like).

Anyway - this is my personal ramble which will deal with an informed outsider's view of the Catholic Church and events that I care to relate from inside the beautiful campus of Liguori. I hope that a few people will make a habit of checking this BLOG out from time to time. Stick with me long enough and I guarantee that eventually you will be offended, enlightened, and entertained. Hopefully, the stretches of boredom in between won't be too long.

P. Del Ricci


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