Through a dark glass - musings on the Catholic Church from an outsider on the inside

I hope more eyes than my own will visit this site and find it of interest. Perhaps my perspective as a non-Catholic working for Liguori Publications will intrique. From time to time, my thoughts may scandalize but I hope they never bore.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Saturday's post - written on Friday released on Sunday


Well, I've learned a few things about BLOGGER. If you start a post the day before you post it, the date on it shows the day it was started. Not the day it was released. A small thing, but it tinkers with my idea of having at least one post each day.

I haven't gotten very far on my projects today, but I'm further ahead than I would have been without the time off. I'm becoming somewhat fascinated with this BLOG and I've been playing around with a few things besides just a daily posting. Hopefully, I'll be able to carry off my ideas for redesigning my BLOG template. I have programming experience in a variety of languages but have never picked up HTML. I'm also thinking about introducing GOOGLE ads. I think it will be interesting to see what sorts of ads appear on these pages.

I'm writing this post on Friday, but it's for Saturday's release. I'll be spending all day Saturday peddling my heart out on that Century I mentioned. Saturday evening, I'm going to a friend's annual Fiesta party (yes that means party, party). Not as cool as my own Halloween party of course, but pretty cool anyway. I need to track down some Mexican recipes so I'll have a dish to take. What I ended up doing was buying pastries at one of the Mexican bakeries on Cherokee Street. That area has become a thriving Latino neighborhood.

Hmmm, I think the best segue I can come up with here to tie in a Liguori Publications product, is our Libros Liguori imprint. I've given some attention to Libros before, but it fits nicely with the fiesta theme. I have to admit that I'm not familiar enough with the entire line to pick an appropriate selection (yo hablo espanol un poco) so I'm just picking one that I've been using as a learning tool (I like to see how accurately I can translate the material and if I can at least get the giest of it). El mensaje de Juan Diego by MarĂ­a Eugenia Schindler gives the basics of the Catholic perspective of Juan Diego. Wether you believe in the miraculous nature of these events or not, the role of Juan Diego in history had a tremendous impact on social, political and religious attitudes that have a real world affect which reverberates to the present day. This will probably be a topic that I return to at some point, because I find it fascinating.

Well that is probably more than enough for now. I need to get started on Sunday's post.


P. Del Ricci


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