Through a dark glass - musings on the Catholic Church from an outsider on the inside

I hope more eyes than my own will visit this site and find it of interest. Perhaps my perspective as a non-Catholic working for Liguori Publications will intrique. From time to time, my thoughts may scandalize but I hope they never bore.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Liguori Limmerick


I thought I would share a funny incident from the web marketing seminar I went to last week. There were four of us there from Liguori Publications. Coincidentally, we sat at a table with two people from The Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows and across the room were two people from a business in my home town in rural Illinois about 100 miles away. The world is a small place. Anyway, the seminar managed to hold our attention for most of the two days but one segment seemed to drag on forever. While keeping boredom at bay, Dan started writing haikus which he enthusiasticly shared over lunch. I made the remark that I would need to be true to my heritage and would write a limmerick (my mix contains a lot of Irish). I was just joking when I said it, but my group kept ribbing me and eventually I wrote this.

There were four folks from Liguori,
who are the point of this story.
They turned on their teacher,
who looked like a preacher.
The rest of the story was gory.
I know "don't give up my day job".


P. Del Ricci - Dark Glass


Blogger Faira said...

Liguori Limmerick or Liguori Humorick? LOL! At least you got it to rhyme, Philip!

As you know I have had a cold and have not been posting or visiting lately. I left you a message under Akasha's picture on my Blog site ... under the message that you left for me there!

You are the first person to understand the meaning of my cat, Akasha's name, congratulations!

11/06/2005 4:31 PM  

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