Through a dark glass - musings on the Catholic Church from an outsider on the inside

I hope more eyes than my own will visit this site and find it of interest. Perhaps my perspective as a non-Catholic working for Liguori Publications will intrique. From time to time, my thoughts may scandalize but I hope they never bore.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Sticking to the plan


Today is Labor Day and I'm not certain what to write about. I have made notes of a couple of pages of future topics, but they are all a little more involved than what I care to get into today. I considered skipping today's post, but a significant reason that I am doing this is to discipline myself to write something EVERY day. I may be 100 before it happens and it might never be published, but I WILL FINISH MY NOVEL. I think that I did miss one day since I started this BLOG, but there's no need to do it again.

Yesterday, I went on a 47 miles bike ride through the city which brings me to 1,183 miles for the year (up from 824 for all of last year). The MS150 bike ride is next weekend (click here to make a tax deductible pledge to my ride). Earlier in the year, I had intended to do the century options of that ride (making it the MS200?), but after doing my first century a couple of weeks ago - I've reconsidered. It's one thing to do 100 miles in one day, it's another thing entirely to turn around and do all over again the next day. The MS150 follows a pretty hilly course (this will be year 4 for me) and you get significantily 'saddle sore' (also known as 'monkey butt') after this many hours on a bike.

I should wrestle this post back to my work at Liguori Publications and then sprint to a finish. I haven't made it to the gym yet this weekend and am in danger of having solid legs but a flabby belly (no no, don't thank for me the image). It's probably becoming obvious from my posts that I value things like physical fitness, conservation, urban renewal, fuel efficient cars, etc. Over time, I intend to delve into these topics on a pretty regular basis. For today, I'm going to feature Reinhabiting the Earth: Biblical Perspectives and Eco-Spiritual Reflections by Mary Lou Van Rossum with a Foreword by Thomas Berry.

Please enjoy the rest of your holiday weekend and if you haven't all ready, please visit Network for Good to see how you can help those affected by hurricane Katrina.


P. Del Ricci


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