Through a dark glass - musings on the Catholic Church from an outsider on the inside

I hope more eyes than my own will visit this site and find it of interest. Perhaps my perspective as a non-Catholic working for Liguori Publications will intrique. From time to time, my thoughts may scandalize but I hope they never bore.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

The best Italian food in St. Louis is in this neighborhood Posted by Picasa


Blogger Shelly said...

Loved the photos from the cycling weekend! Hope you had fun and good luck with the MS150. I'm guessing that's 150 miles? I shudder at the thought. :o)

9/06/2005 6:27 PM  
Blogger C R Mountjoy - GDF said...

Could I ask you a question? I am Roman Catholic - very conservative. If you attend Mass regularly, have you noticed changes in your service? Our IRA Priest has put so much singing in our Mass we might as well be GD Lutherans. Next, we now sing in between the readings. Also, what is with the hand-holding during the Our Father? Then at the end (Kingdom, Power and Glory are yours) they all raise thier hands. Here's the kicker, we no longer kneel before we go up to receive COmmunion - we stand! has any of this Man-Made Crap entered your Mass? I'd really like to know. Thanks!

9/07/2005 2:39 PM  
Blogger Philip Del Ricci said...


Yes - the 150 is named for the number of miles (approximately 75 miles 2 days). If you think that's sick, some people do the "Century" options and make it 200 miles (I hope to be one of them next year). It hurts but you feel like you've accomplished something when you are done.

P. Del Ricci

9/07/2005 3:18 PM  

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